A Productivity Hack that Stands the Test of Time

I was listening to Adam Grant interviewing Cal Newport in his podcast, and this productivity tactic mentioned by Newport stood out:

Adam Grant: I'm allergic to productivity hacks. I think you are too. That being said, what's your favorite one?

Cal Newport: Let me give you the one that stood the test of time and that is fixed schedule of productivity.

Fix the hours you want to work and then do everything you can to make that work. That's now my goal. This is when I work, and I may have to actually drastically change things about my career if necessary. But, these are my limits. That's when I work. It's a meta productivity idea because it forces you to develop dozens of custom fit, practical productivity ideas to try to actually satisfy this big goal.

So, that's timeless

Adam Grant, Cal Newport, productivity, slow productivity

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