Effective Goal Setting
by Roberto Zoia
A Book on How to Define Your Goals, Set a System to Accomplish Them, and Achieve Extraordinary Results.
The number of people that actually achieve their goals is surprisingly low. A common cause is thinking that willpower and commitment is enough to achieve the things we want. Working hard by itself does not guarantee success.
Most people that achieve extraordinary results have a framework that lets them focus on what's important. They have a system that lets them focus on the process. They prioritize, and say no to other things. That way, they put their best effort every day in things that move them towards accomplishing their goals.
In Effective Goal Setting you'll learn a proven framework build around goal setting best-practices, that you can later adapt to suit your specific needs.
What's inside this book
A step-by-step guide to define your goals and make sure they meet the conditions to be actionable.
You’ll learn to decompose your goal around specific timeframes, down to weekly and daily goals.
Time blocking will guarantee that your day is planned around your most important tasks, and not the other way around.
You’ll learn to use systems so you can focus on the process and not on the immediate outcome.
Feedback loops will help you make the necessary corrections to assure that you are always on track.
Free templates to help you along the process.
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