Recommended Readings for 2013: Magazines and Newsletters

Thanks to the low barriers to publishing on the Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spot good quality content. Here are some links to to magazines or newsletters with good content for anybody with a management position. If you must choose only one, I recommend The Economist.

  • The Economist. Weekly magazine about world news, politics, economics, business and finance. A free newsletter is available if you want a taste of their content before subscribing.
  • Harvard Business Review. A classic.
  • MIT Technology Review, MIT magazine about innovation. Cost is $25 for 6 issues a year.
  • MckInsey Quarterly. Free subscription to the electronic version.
  • IESE Insight, published quarterly. €30 yearly plus tax. Free for members of the IESE Alumni Association.
  • InSitum monthly newsletter, free subscription. InSitum specializes in Design Thinking, among other things.
curated-content magazines management

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