
Macworld shuts down print edition

Shortly after Apple’s iPhone 6/6+ launch on September 9, IDG announced that the print edition of Macworld is shutting down. Jason Snell, Macworld’s lead editor for more than ten years and who has worked in Macworld for more than seventeen, writes in Goodby, Macworld: Over the last decade we all made an enormous effort to transform Macworld editorial from a magazine mentality to a web site mentality. And honestly, it worked: By the end, the magazine was essentially a curated collection of the best stories from the website, cut down and copy edited and with nice photographs. Read more...
macworld print publishing

Amazon vs Hachette

The news have been reporting on the dispute between Amazon and Hachette. Neither company has disclosed the details of the dispute, but the argument is understood to be about e-book pricing. Amazon argues that e-books should sell at a lower price because of the lower costs of the e-book value chain. Also, according to Amazon, e-books are highly price elastic. (If an e-book priced at $14.99 sells 100 copies, lowering its price to $9. Read more...
amazon book-publishing hachette

Intelligence vs Character

Quote from Warren Buffet’s 2011 interview taken from Farnam Street’s article What makes Warren Buffett a great investor? Is it the intelligence or the discipline?. The good news I can tell you is that to be a great investor you don’t have to have a terrific IQ. If you’ve got 160 IQ, sell 30 points to somebody else because you won’t need it in investing. What you do need is the right temperament. Read more...
character discipline iq warren-buffet

First impressions

Some weeks ago, we needed to hire a designer –not a web designer– for a job. We had a list of names with good references and recommendations from other people. As expected, we searched for them on Google. Surprisingly, from a total of ten, only two had a web page. For others, Google search results revealed little more than their personal Facebook page. In one case, you could see some cute pictures of her family’s vacation to Disney World, but no information on how to contact them professionally. Read more...
branding communication perception