
Richard Branson on Punctuality and Productivity

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, explains why punctuality is so important for him: If you want to be more productive, then start at the start: get there on time. Whether it is a meeting, a flight, an appointment or a date, ensure you are there when you say you will be there. Being on time is respectful to your hosts and also means you can effectively manage your day. Once you get behind, it is hard to catch back up again. Read more...

How many books did you read last year?

How many books did you read last year? How many do you plan to read this year? Reading books is in decline. Taylor Pearson1 writes that “in a 1978 survey [US], 42% of adults had read 11 books or more in the past year, and 13% they had read more than 50. In a 2014 study, Pew found that just 28% hit the 11 book mark and only 1% had read more than 50%. Read more...
deep-understanding learning reading

Micromanagement: Individual Contribution vs Real Leadership

Micromanagement kills ownership. Shane Parrish quoting Michael Abrashoff describes the problem when top performers become managers but continue to focus on individual contribution instead of on real leadership: The difference between thinking as a top performer and thinking like your boss is the difference between individual contribution and real leadership. Some people never make this jump; they keep doing what made them successful, which in a leadership role usually means micromanaging. Read more...
leadership micromanagement

Don’t Reply All: 18 Email Tactics That Help You Write Better Emails and Improve Communication with Your Team, by Hassan Osman

Buy from Amazon Don’t Reply All: 18 Email Tactics That Help You Write Better Emails and Improve Communication with Your Team, by Hassan Osman Hassan Osman has a vast experience managing projects with large, geographically distributed teams. His previous book, Influencing Virtual Teams, offered no-nonsense tactics to help you managing your team. Despite the huge advances in communications and the little improvement in email systems, email is here to stay. Read more...
book-review communication effectiveness email productivity team-building