
The Future of Education

Seth Godin recently shared the audio version of Stop Stealing Dreams in Akimbo, his weekly podcast. Next, he dedicated a whole episode to answering questions, mostly about education, and then recorded a third podcast provocately titled “Getting in (to a famous college)”. Maybe you are a parent and have kids that go to school. Maybe you are a teacher, or a student. For all of us, Education plays such a critical role in defining the future of society, that this topic should be relevant to everyone. Read more...
cogs education sethgodin

Without doubt, your are Facebook’s product

Ted Kramer is the founder of Six4Three, a company that relied on Facebook granting access to their users’ friends data for their business model to work. His company has an ongoing lawsuit with Facebook because of a policy change in 2014 that cut Kramer’s app access to that information. Sue Halpern, writing for The Newyorker about Facebook, comments on some of Facebook’s internal documents that Kramer turned over to the British Parliament and were made public shortly afterwards: Read more...

Zettelkasten, a method for note-taking

Having a repository for the things you learn is more relevant than ever. Facts can be easily checked using the internet. However, the process of connecting ideas, and formulating relevant questions, comes from deep reading and reflection. Last weekend I discovered a method for note-taking called Zettelkasten. This method was devised by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who used it as an aid in his research throughout his life1. For context, during his life Luhmann published more than 70 books and 400 scholarly articles on various subjects. Read more...

Origin Story

I can’t remember exactly when I learned to program, but I’m almost sure that at the end of 1981, at the age of 12, I was already programming in BASIC. Before 1981, my experience with computers was limited to borrowing some time in an Apple computer at my father’s office, learning to program the basics of the TI-59 calculator (again, thanks to an engineer in my father’s office who was relly into computers), and devouring every computer magazine I could get my hands on1. Read more...
growth-mindset narrative origin-story superpowers


A quote about leaving things for later: Later is where excuses live. Later is where good intentions go to die. Later is a broken back and a bent spirit. Later says “all-nighters are temporary until we’ve got this figured out.” Unlikely. Make the change now. – It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work, by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson. A second quote: ‘To-morrow’: sometimes it is prudence; very often it is the adverb of the defeated. Read more...
fear later prudence