
The Good Fight Club

Adam Grant on challenge networks: The first rule [of the Good Fight Club]: avoiding an argument is bad manners. Silence disrespects the value of your views and our ability to have a civil disagreement. -- Adam Grant, Think Again, p. 86 Read more...
challenge-network thinking

Zoom Links

Un tema frecuente durante la pandemia es que los chicos se conecten a sus clases virtuales por Zoom. Por algún motivo que desconozco, el colegio de mis hijos envia cada semana un PDF con el horario de clase, y los ID y contraseñas de las sesiones de Zoom de la semana. Pero no envían ni invitaciones para agregar a la agenda ni el link para conectarse a la reunión. Enviar una invitación y links para conectarse a las reuniones es la práctica usual en cualquier parte. Read more...

El camino a resultados extraordinarios

Cada tanto me vuelvo a encontrar con unos comentarios de Ira Glass sobre el trabajo creativo1. Traducido libremente, Glass viene a decir que cuando uno está empezando, tiene la visión de lo que quiere pero la realidad es que el resultado de lo que hace no es tan bueno. Hay potencial, pero falta ese algo especial que lo hace excepcionalmente bueno. Hay una brecha. Lo que a veces olvidamos –sigue Glass–, es que esto le pasa a todos. Read more...

Meaningful vs Expiring Information

As time remains constant and information becomes abundant and ubiquitous, the question of how to read things that lead to meaningful knowledge becomes ever more relevant. Some people are worried about how Facebook or Twitter maybe “manipulating” their timelines by deciding which news or tweets they see and which don’t. I don’t think that’s a problem per se. Newspapers, for example, provide us with a series of news curated by an editorial staff, which certainly has its own view about what’s happening in the world. Read more...
attention confirmation-bias meaningfull-information reading

Three Ideas to Improve Your Reading

For several years, as part of my end-of-year review, I take a look at my reading1 and make plans for the year to come. I’ve written down some ideas from my process that you may find useful. Of course, most of the advice is not originally mine: I learned about these ideas by reading about how some giants –call them virtual mentors if you like– do their learning. 1. Have a list of the books you want to read this year Compiling a list of the books you want to read during the year has several benefits. Read more...
knowledge learning reading reading-list