Blind to Biases

Runner’s World tells the storie of Ellie Pell, who won the overall first place in a 50K Ultra Marathon.

The organizers of the event had assumed that the overall winner would male.

While there was an award made for the first place female, there was no award prepared for the first place male. Instead, there was only a trophy for the overall winner, which was predicted to be a man.

What’s worth noting is not the organizers’s bias, but that they were blind to it. Blind to the possibility that a woman could actually win the race.

Being aware that we may be blind to our own biases is the first step towards overcoming them. Blindness may come, for example, from taking for granted what for others may be a privilege1.

Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash

  1. For example, check McKinsey’s article on Why gender diversity at the top remains a challenge
biases diversity inclusion

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