Teaching vs. Learning

When we see things from the "supply side" instead of from the "demand side".

The education system is caught up in the process of teaching and not the process of learning. They believe their job is to supply knowledge as opposed to helping people learn. Why? They’re not seeing the whole picture, and therefore they focus on the wrong things. They want students to learn—the effect—but what causes that to happen? They focus on making the teacher better but fail to understand how the student learns. If the teacher improves but the student still fails, is the system any more useful?

Innovators and entrepreneurs skilled at causal structures see the many layers to the problem—empathetic perspective—and they have a framework to see cause and effect which allows them to connect the dots between teachers, students, administrators, and parents. Causal structures are about seeing supply and demand, understanding the different perspectives, and connecting the dots into a causal framework.

— Bob Moesta, Learning to Build: The 5 Bedrock Skills of Innovators and Entrepreneurs, p. 109

teaching, learning, cause-effect, Bob Moesta

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