The Power of Accountability

In his book The Earned Life, Marshall Goldsmith explains the concept of accountability. Accountability is our response to expectations we impose on ourselves.

Accountability can be private or public, the most effective being the latter:

I prefer public disclosure. When your intentions are out in the open, the stakes are automatically higher (people are watching) and so, hopefully, is your performance. The specter of a public setback, coupled with your private disappointment, is a powerful motivator. This is one reason I insist that my coaching clients fully advertise their plans to change their behavior to the people they work with: disclosure makes the effort to change visible; visibility elevates accountability. (p. 162)

When we are not making progress, we may think it's because of a lack of willpower or commitment. More probably, we need to ask someone to hold us accountable.

accountability, Marshall Goldsmith

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